Saturday, 14 July 2012

How To Remember Your Past Life: 3 Crazy Techniques for Past Life Recall Everyone Should Try Once

Have I lived before? If I have.....who was I? Was I famous? Did I live an ordinary life......or did I do EXTRAORDINARY things? And if past lives are true.....why do we come back? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at how to remember your OWN past lives, and how to gather real, verifiable and first hand evidence that you've lived before as well. (no guru's....or "new age" nonsense required!)

Curious? Let's take a closer look, immediately below.

Is there any REAL evidence that past lives are real, or is it all just silly stuff reported by crazy people we know isn't true?

Good question! The truth is, one of the biggest misconceptions about past lives is that only "new age" types believe in it and have memories of living before.

The truth? The VAST majority of the worlds populations believe in reincarnation, karma and the idea that the soul "transmigrates" from body to body, and it's really only in the modern Western culture that this idea is looked down upon.

As a matter of fact.......ALL major religions have a vast body of material on the idea of reincarnation, and support the notion that each of us "lives" many lives, in many bodies as part of our unique spiritual adventure. While Buddhism and Hinduism are the most widely cited......Kabbalah (mystical judaism) and Christianity (Jesus spoke often of spiritual re-birth in a new body) all teach concepts that the "soul" or spirit can continue on in a new physical vessel....with each new lifetime.

The BEST way to get first hand evidence of your own past lives?

I'll tell you 3 things that have worked amazingly well for me.

1 - Meditation and past life visualization has been very effective, and I try to do this at least 3 or 4 times a week, usually with a guided mp3 designed especially for past life recall. The basic gist of this model is that you are gently regressed back through the years of your life......until you get back to your earliest memories. (for most of us, somewhere between 2-4 years old) At a certain point in the meditation, you are prompted to go back beyond these memories....and this triggers a series of experiences that predate your present physical incarnation.

Is that a bit of an over simplification? Probably, yes. But, that's the general idea.....and it's VERY powerful, although it can take a while to get comfortable and have the experience for the first time. (it took me about 3 months of regular practice to have my first real memory that stuck)

2 - Past life regression is a GREAT way to do the above, but in a more intense setting and with a professional therapist at your side. This can expedite the process dramatically, but it can also be very expensive....($300 an hour in my case) and introduces all sorts of other stuff you have to be wary of as well.

Most notably, you are being hypnotized by someone you don't necessarily know all that well, and the memories that arise can be questionable in terms of their origin. (e.g. - false memory syndrome is a well known phenomena that can occur during intense therapy of all types that use hypnosis)

3 - Past life psychic readings, tarot and karma astrology

The lightest, most fun and least expensive approach is probably the most entertaining as well. The good news is, this can be done from home, by phone...and often for 30 dollars or less. The downside of this approach is it's not going to be as in-depth of a process as that described above...and it's not going to be as effective at resolving deep seated spiritual issues either. But, it's great fun, a great introduction to the process....and a great way to tackle easier issues that many of face like soul-mates, our relationships, our life's purpose and problems with our families and friends that seem to keep coming up.....lifetime to lifetime!

The BEST part?

Once you recognize these patterns, big problems seem a lot less important, and quite comical as well, which is VERY healing and helpful too!

Want a REAL PAST Life Horoscope WITHOUT leaving your home?

Click HERE for the most SHOCKING and FUN evidence that you really HAVE "Lived" before! (Exciting... but True!)

View the original article here

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