Saturday, 14 July 2012

Understanding Your Past Lives - The Top 3 Reasons To Get a Past Life Reading

Reason #1: Past Problems Almost ALWAYS Equal Predicaments in the Present

As a matter of fact, one of the most astonishing elements to past life recall is that they seem to CURE or heal or help clients overcome almost every obstacle in this life that they face. Research done by Dr. Brian Weiss, for example (author of Many Lives, Many Masters and other best selling books on past life regression) demonstrates that in his own practice, just about every patient with a persistent phobia, for example... has been able to overcome that phobia through past life regression or recall.

Problematic relationships seem to heal and mend the very same way. How? By recognizing that these people are part of your overall plan and purpose and path... and that they've literally, traveled through multiple lifetimes to be with you now, is a VERY empowering and liberating thing. (and helps to realize that just about all relationship conflicts in this life are very small, inconsequential parts of a much larger puzzle)

Reason #2: Opening Yourself Up to a Larger Spiritual Reality is a VERY Empowering Thing

It's one thing to have faith, or religious conviction... as I, and many others I expect reading this, do. However, it's quite another thing to have personal experience of a spiritual dimension that transcends this lifetime, and this body, and points to a larger, greater and more profound existence than the physical. Remembering a past life in great detail, and remembering when you died, how you died, and what happened AFTER you died (many people remember going into the light, and who they encountered there, for example) is the best personal proof, and evidence that you will continue on after THIS life as well. This sort of empirical evidence, and experience of greater spiritual realities is very empowering, and will change how you live your life at the very core as well... and in a GOOD way, too!

Reason #3: It's fun, liberating and incredibly inspiring as well

Knowing your true nature and that you are a spiritual being having a human experience sounds like a heavy duty thought... but at heart, it's joyful, fun, liberating and quite inspiring as well! After I had my first past life reading by phone about 7 or 8 years ago, even as a full time new age writer and publisher who had experienced lots of extraordinary things, I was amazed at how much I enjoyed the experience. (and how light and inspired I felt for days afterwards as well) Psychic and spiritual "stuff" does NOT need to be so serious, and past life reading, or regression experience can be very entertaining and can make for great and interesting cocktail party conversation as well!

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