Saturday, 14 July 2012

Psychic FAQ: How Do Tarot Card Readings Work?

Q: How do tarot card readings predict my future? Are they simply for entertainment purposes... or can the tarot really tell where my life is going to go?

A: This is a very common, somewhat complex and often controversial question that deserves a detailed answer. Of course, while there are many different opinions on what is happening during a tarot reading, one thing that MOST agree on is that done properly, the tarot is an excellent tool for gauging what the past, present and future holds.

First, understand this BIG point:

The tarot is an interpretive tool. The cards are NOT clairvoyant or magical in of themselves. A good reader is as much psychic, as they are psychologist! As a matter of fact, I know a few people who are excellent tarot readers and are well regarded professionally, who don't really even believe in psychic abilities at all, and do tarot in a clinical, medical setting. (although it's an alternative and not mainstream medical practice for sure)


I DO believe that tarot cards are infused with the psychic energy and intuitive imprints of both the client and the clairvoyant as well. In other words, for me, the very BEST tarot readings are done by those of us who are skilled and gifted with both psychic abilities and the unique insights required to interpret the cards in such a way as to offer amazing, enlightening and inspiring information that COULD change your life.

As a matter of fact, I've had readings with both gifted psychics who use tarot as a tool... and people who use tarot as a technique for psychological insight alone, and to me, there is NO comparison between the two types of readings.

Professionals who use tarot for psychological interpretation liken it to reading archetypes, which is a well respected and widely used form of Jungian psychology.

Psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and energetic intuitives who use tarot are diving MUCH deeper into both the psyche of the person being read, as well as putting faith in the idea that there is an invisible force in the universe that shapes us, guides us and leads us forward... especially when we reach out and ask for help.

So how does the tarot actually predict your future?

I believe that each of us have a script. And that our lives are like a movie where we play our role... yet, the director never tells us how things are going to end. He (or she) knows how he WANTS the movie to end, and has a pretty good idea about what happens along the way, but wants to give the actors a lot of latitude and leeway in how the story plays out.

We each have choice. But, there is a path we're all here to pursue and serving our greatest goals and gifts is part of the script. The tarot is that script. The director is the universe, "god", karma or the energy that moves us in the direction of our destiny. And of course, we are all actors and actresses in the movie of life. I believe when the movie ends... WE continue to learn, grow and hopefully... evolve as spiritual beings until our next starring role begins!

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